I am currently working at the LMU Munich as a PhD candidate. This is a continuation of my PhD that I started at the University of Bern. My current focus is on studying exoplanetary atmospheres using general circulation models. Some of my previous research interests and active side projects - in no particular order - also include:

  • Planetary collision simulations
  • Riemann solvers
  • Wind field analysis
  • Bayesian inference models

I am always open to talk about and/or collaborate in future projects in any of these topics. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

At the Lund Observatory, April 2023.
Image Credit: Bibiana Prinoth

Short CV

2021 - Present: Ph.D. in Astrophysics University of Bern (2021-2024)
LMU Munich (2023-2025)
2019 - 2021: M.Sc in Physics ETH Zürich
2014 - 2019: B.Sc in Physics ETH Zürich

For more details, please see my full CV.

Research Topics and Software

  • Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Working on uncovering underlying trends in the atmospheric circulations of Hot Jupiters. I mainly work with the THOR GCM.
  • Planetary Collisions: For my Master's thesis, I worked on developing a new multi-fluid solver for the RAMSES adaptive mesh refinement code. My work can be found in the 6eq patch and can be used to study planetary collisions. For further details on the implementation, please refer to my master's thesis.
  • Software Contributions: Contributing to open-source software for astrophysical simulations. Check out my work on GitHub.

Active Research Projects & Highlights

This list serves as an active check for myself. If all the projects on this list are finished, then I am also done with my PhD, so yay! For projects which are at least at the "Results Compilation" stage, which means I have already started writing the paper, I intend to share figures. Please stay tuned.

To not give away all of my ideas, I might give these projects very obscure names. I am sorry in advance!

If any of these projects sound interesting to you and you see that they are at the "Idea Generation" stage, please feel free to reach out to me!

Suite of GCMs

  • Literature Review
  • Idea Generation
  • Tangible Results
  • Results Compilation
  • Publish!

Theoretical Spectral Line Project

  • Literature Review
  • Idea Generation
  • Tangible Results
  • Results Compilation
  • Publish!

Hot Jupiter Winds

  • Literature Review
  • Idea Generation
  • Tangible Results
  • Results Compilation
  • Publish!

Brown Dwarfs, Convection and Clouds

  • Literature Review
  • Idea Generation
  • Tangible Results
  • Results Compilation
  • Publish!


Check out my NASA/ADS Author Page for a list of my publications.

ALVA Astronomy club talk, April 2023